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Interface LayoutChildrenProps<T>

This used to just be the LayoutProps but was split up to help with mini layouts.


@since 2.7.0

Type parameters




Optional appBar

appBar: ReactNode

A custom implementation for the main AppBar within the Layout that will be used instead of the default LayoutAppBar if it is not undefined. This means that if you don't want to use an AppBar at all in your application, set this value to null.

Using this prop will make the following props do nothing:

  • appBarProps
  • customTitle
  • title
  • titleProps

Optional appBarProps

appBarProps: PropsWithRef<LayoutAppBarProps, HTMLDivElement>

Any additional props to provide to the default LayoutAppBar

Optional children

children: ReactNode

The children to display within the layout. This is pretty much required since you'll have an empty app otherwise, but it's left as optional just for prototyping purposes.

Optional closeNav

closeNav: ReactNode

A custom implementation for the button that closes the toggleable layouts. If this is not undefined, it will be used instead of the default implementation.

The default implementation for this component will be to only render for toggleable layouts and close the navigation panel once clicked.

Using this prop will make the closeNavProps do nothing.

Optional closeNavProps

closeNavProps: PropsWithRef<PropsWithRef<LayoutCloseNavigationButtonProps, HTMLButtonElement>, HTMLButtonElement>

Any additional props to provide to the default LayoutCloseNavigationButton compoent.

Optional customTitle

customTitle: ReactNode

A custom implementation for the main AppBarTitle within the Layout that will be used instead of the default LayoutAppBarTitle if it is not undefined. This means that if you don't want to have a title within the main AppBar, set this value to null.

Using this prop will make the following props do nothing:

  • title
  • titleProps

Optional id

id: string

The base id to use for everything within the layout component. The id will be applied to:

  • the LayoutAppBar as ${id}-header
  • the AppBarTitle as ${id}-title
  • the LayoutNavToggle as ${id}-nav-toggle
  • the LayoutMain element as ${id}-main

Optional mainProps

mainProps: PropsWithRef<LayoutMainProps, HTMLDivElement>

Any optional props to provide to the <main> element of the page.

Optional miniNav

miniNav: ReactNode

A custom implementation for the main mini navigation component within the Layout. If this is not undefined, it will be used instead of the default implementation.

Using this prop will make the following props do nothing for the mini nav:

  • navProps
  • navHeader
  • navHeaderProps
  • navHeaderTitle
  • navHeaderTitleProps
  • closeNav
  • closeNavProps
  • treeProps


Optional miniNavItems

miniNavItems: TreeData<T>

An optional tree to use for the mini navigation pane since the default behavior of rendering mini tree items might hide content in an undersireable way.


@since 2.7.0


defaultMiniNavigationItemRenderer for more information

Optional miniWrapperProps

miniWrapperProps: PropsWithRef<HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>

This prop allows you to provide additional props to the <div> surrounding the LayoutMain and mini LayoutNavigation components.

Note: This additional <div> will only be rendered if:

  • at least one of the provided layout types are mini
  • the layout is not using a fixed app bar
  • the miniNav prop has not been defined
  • treeProps have been provided

@since 2.8.3


@since 2.9.1 This will render if any provided layout type is mini.

Optional nav

nav: ReactNode

A custom implementation for the main navigation component within the Layout. If this is not undefined, it will be used instead of the default implementation.

Using this prop will make the following props do nothing:

  • navProps
  • navHeader
  • navHeaderProps
  • navHeaderTitle
  • navHeaderTitleProps
  • closeNav
  • closeNavProps
  • treeProps

Optional navAfterAppBar

navAfterAppBar: boolean

Boolean if the main app bar should appear after the navigation component. It is generally recommended to enable this prop if the navigation component as a focusable element in the header since it will have a better tab focus order.

Optional navHeader

navHeader: ReactNode

A custom implementation for the main navigation component's header element within the Layout. If this is not undefined, it will be used instead of the default implementation.

Using this prop will make the following props do nothing:

  • navHeaderProps
  • navHeaderTitle
  • navHeaderTitleProps
  • closeNav
  • closeNavProps

Optional navHeaderProps

navHeaderProps: PropsWithRef<PropsWithRef<LayoutNavigationHeaderProps, HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>

Any additional props to provide to the default LayoutNavigation component.

Optional navHeaderTitle

navHeaderTitle: ReactNode

An optional title to display within the LayoutNavigation's header component. This will be defaulted to being wrapped with an AppBarTitle component for additional styling.

Optional navHeaderTitleProps

navHeaderTitleProps: PropsWithRef<PropsWithRef<PropsWithRef<AppBarProps, HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>

Any additional props to provide to the AppBarTitle surrounding the navHeaderTitle.

Optional navProps

navProps: PropsWithRef<LayoutNavigationProps<T>, HTMLDivElement>

Any additional props to provide to the default LayoutNavigation.

Optional navToggle

navToggle: ReactNode

An optional custom nav toggle to use within the Layout or LayoutAppBar instead of the default implementation.

Optional navToggleProps

navToggleProps: PropsWithRef<LayoutNavToggleProps, HTMLButtonElement>

Any optional props to provide to the default LayoutNavToggle implementation.

Optional skipProps

skipProps: Omit<SkipToMainContentProps, "mainId">

Any additional props to provide to the <SkipToMainContent /> link that is automatically rendered in the layout.

Optional title

title: ReactNode

An optional main title to display in the Layout. This should normally be something like the page title since it will be rendered in the default AppBar for the Layout.

Optional titleProps

titleProps: PropsWithRef<Omit<AppBarTitleProps, "children">, HTMLHeadingElement>

Any additional props that should be applied to the layout's default AppBarTitle.

Optional treeProps

treeProps: PropsWithRef<LayoutTreeProps<T>, HTMLUListElement>

This is the most important prop within the Layout if you want to have a navigation tree. This prop should normally be created by using the useLayoutNavigation hook but you can always provide any additional props that are required to style or customize your tree.


  treeProps={useLayoutNavigation(navItems, window.location.pathname)}

or with additional props:

    ...useLayoutNavigation(navItems, window.location.pathname),

Please see the useLayoutNavigation hook for additional documentation.

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